小升級,大感動!NEX-5 Ver.04 韌體更新試玩! - 攝影新聞 ... 作者:ePrice HK - 2011年6月28日 - Sony NEX 3/5乃至於近期的C3推出後都話題不斷,小小機身但有著APS-C大面積感光元件成為用家所喜愛。推出之初由於硬體功能鍵少而被批評 ...
NEX-5 韌體升級程式Ver.05 (Microsoft Windows) : 軟體下載 ... NEX-5 Firmware Upgrade Ver.05 (Microsoft Windows)
NEX-5R 韌體升級版本 1.03 (Microsoft Windows) : 軟體下載 : Sony Taiwan 感謝您持續愛護 Sony 產品。 Sony 正在為可更換鏡頭的數位相機 NEX-5R 提供韌體更新。 韌體升級之後的改善項目 支援下列 SELP18105G、SEL35F28Z *、SEL55F18Z *、SEL2470Z *、SEL2870 *、SEL70200G * 等與「高速混和自動對焦」相容的鏡頭,以及未來 ...
顧客的意見是對的:NEX-3 / NEX-5 firmware 更新界面大改良! - DCFever.com 令人引頸以待的 NEX- 3 / NEX-5 v.03 firmware 終於可以正式下載,今次 firmware 不僅各機迷期待,亦引起了業界的不少迴響,事沿 ...
Sony Nex 5 韌體 - 相關圖片搜尋結果
NEX-5 Firmware Upgrade Ver.05 (Microsoft Windows) : Download : Sony Asia Pacific Thank you for your continued interest in Sony products. Sony is always concerned about customer satisfaction and therefore is offering a software upgrade program for Interchangeable Lens Digital Camera NEX-5. Improvements after firmware upgrade To be ...
sony nex 5 韌體 - 相關部落格
Sony NEX-3/NEX5 Ver. 4韌體更新方法及新增功能介紹(上) - 自由電子報 3C科技 圖1,每個女人都會希望有一雙既修長線條又漂亮的美腿。Sony NEX3,E18-55mm F3.5-5.6 OSS,光圈F5.6,快門1/100秒,ISO250,相片效果”部分色彩(黃)”。攝影:Kay。MD:璟兒。 在NEX-C3發表之後,去年發售的NEX3/5的韌體,也隨之更新至Ver.4
Sony eSupport - NEX-5 - Support α Interchangeable Lens Digital Camera Model # NEX-5 | change model... Serial Number Location: On the bottom of the camera This model is included with these products: How To & Troubleshooting Drivers & Software Manuals, Specs & Warranty Videos & Tutorials
NEX-5 Camera Firmware Update - Sony eSupport - Electronics WARNING!!: This utility is only for use with the Sony® NEX-5 camera. Do not install this utility with any other model. WARNING!!: This Digital Camera firmware update and any changes incurred by it are permanent. It is not possible to return to a previous